We invite you to the International Doctoral Conference "On Borders and Boundaries: German-Czech Conference for Young Researchers", organized by the IMS in cooperation with the Department of East and Southeast European History of LMU (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich).
The 6th International Conference of Balkan Studies "Balkan Express" took place on 12-13 November 2021. This year the conference focused on the study of the Balkans through the concepts and ideas of neighbourhood and neighbourhood relations. Enjoy our short look back at the event.
Institut mezinárodních studií ve spolupráci s Výzkumným centrem pro dějiny transformace na Vídeňské univerzitě (RECET) pořádá workshop s názvem "Asymetrie a emoce. Německo, Rakousko a postkomunistická střední Evropa po roce 1989".
On Tuesday, November 9, the conference "Czechia, Poland and Contemporary Russian Historical Narratives: old problems, new common opportunities" took place in the Great Hall of the Czernin Palace. The discussion was moderated by our Daniela Kolenovská.
Tomorrow and the day after, on 12 and 13 November 2021, the 6th International Conference of Balkan Studies "Balkan Express" will take place at the Faculty of Humanities in Prague. All of you are cordially invited! The detailed programme of the conference can be found in the text.
We would like to cordially invite you to the lecture by Mr. Ming-Hsin Kung, Minister of the National Development Council of the Republic of China, entitled "Taiwan's Role in the Post-Pandemic World Economy". The event will take place on Monday, October 25 at 4:00 pm. Registration for the event is required.