
  • Dean's sports day

    Friday, April 29 is a Dean's Day off and there will be no classes. Take a break from self-study and give your body some exercise at the Dean's Sports Day of the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Science of Charles University. It will take place in the sports complex of the University of Hostivař.

  • Workshop: Asymmetry and Emotions

    On Tuesday, 22 March 2022, a workshop "Asymmetry and Emotions: Germany, Austria and Post-Communist Central Europe since 1989" was held in the Hollar building, organized by our institute in cooperation with the Vienna-based Research Center for the History of Transformations.

  • Water accident: transition to online teaching (March 30 and 31)

    Dear students, I would like to inform you that today unfortunately, there was a water breakdown at Pekařská 16. For this reason all classes today (March 30) and tomorrow (March 31) will be held online.

  • Навчання в інституті // Study at IMS

    Таким чином ми хочемо запропонувати українським студентам територіальній студій, історії, політології, міжнародних відносин, новітньої історії та інших орієнтованих наук, для Українських студентів які наразі не можуть продовжити навчання у рідному університеті, але можуть навчатися у нас.

  • Workshop: Towards a Central European Doctoral School in Modern History

    On Monday, March 21, we hosted a doctoral workshop within the CENTRAL program entitled "Towards a Central European Doctoral School in Modern History". Postgraduate students presented and discussed their dissertation projects.

  • Study doctoral studies at IMS!

    The Institute of International Studies offers two doctoral programmes - International Area Studies and Modern History. The deadline for applications has been set for 30 April 2022. Apply for study now!