Round table "Wartime Ukraine and Ukrainians: Politics, Migration, and European integration"

Round table "Wartime Ukraine and Ukrainians: Politics, Migration, and European integration"
Kyiv School of Economics and the “Ukraine in a Changing Europe” Research Centre at Institute of International Studies (Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University) in the framework of the REDEMOS project will hold a roundtable discussion "Wartime Ukraine and Ukrainians: Politics, Migration, and European integration" in Prague on December 6.
Russia’s shift to open and full-scale aggression raised the stakes and posed numerous challenges to Ukraine and Europe. The process of Ukraine’s post-Euromaidan development over the last 10 years has thus combined resistance to Russia’s aggression, internal reforms, and the assertion of Ukraine’s agency in the international arena.
How can Ukraine as a country under attack win an asymmetric yet existential war against a nuclear autocracy? What should be done to preserve and strengthen Ukraine’s democracy, so that the country’s post-war rebuilding takes places in a democratic and inclusive manner? What will incentivize Ukrainians abroad to return to the country? What key challenges will the EU-Ukraine enlargement negotiations face? And which experiences can the EU and Ukraine draw from the Union’s previous waves of enlargement and its engagement with the Western Balkans?
Programme: here
Venue: Smetanovo nabreži 6, Hollar building, Prague 1, auditorium H212
We are looking forward to seeing you!