Come and join us for this remarkable opportunity and stimulating debate on Thursday, October 26th at 5:00 PM. The event will be held in Jinonice, in the classroom B103A and will be moderated by Michal Smetana (IMS FSV UK and Peace Research Center Prague).
Reflecting on the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, Klára Kosová (Institute of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University) and Neil Predmestnikov (University of Warsaw) organised an interdisciplinary workshop Role of Culture in Times of War and Post-War Reconstruction. The Case of Ukraine.
Dear colleagues, we cordially invite you to a special research seminar to be held under the auspices of the IMS Small nation(-states) Research Centre on 19 October 2023 from 15:30 to 17:30. At the seminar we will discuss the chapter "Varieties of Economic Nationalism in Small (Nation-) States".
We would like to cordially invite you to a conference "600 Days Of The All-Out War: Fighting For Freedom, Fighting For Democracy" that will take place on October 18 in the Hollar building in the room 212.
Golden Courses for the best courses of the Summer Semester 2022/2023 according to the student evaluation were awarded. Congratulations to all recipients! On Tuesday, 3 October 2023, during the Academic Senate FSV UK meeting, the Golden Courses were awarded to the lecturers.
The Charles University Grant Agency (GAUK) has announced a call for 2024. Projects for 1-3 years can be submitted by master's and doctoral students in the standard period of study by 30 October 2023.