Czech Science Foundation is going to fund over 500 new projects starting this january - including project "Specialisation in EU small states’ foreign and security policy" of doc. Mgr. Tomáš Weiss, M.A., Ph.D. and PhDr. Barbora Menclová. Congratulations!
Výzkumné centrum pro malé státy (SnS) vyzývá k předkládání abstraktů na dvoudenní workshop s názvem "Becoming Smaller: Responses to Changes in Size and Influence in the 20th and 21st Centuries", který se bude konat 25. a 26. května 2023 v Praze. Uzávěrka pro zasílání návrhů je 31. ledna 2023.
If you are interested in the American judicial system, working of state courts, and how to campaign to be elected as a judge of one of the state courts, feel free to come to the discussion hosted by the Department of North American Studies organized together with the U.S. Ambassador's Youth Council.
On Monday 19 December, the public defence of the dissertation of Eliška Ullrichová, a student of the doctoral programme of Area Studies, will take place in Pekařská 10. The defense will start at 9:00 a.m. in room n. 222.
RFE/RL and Department of Russian and East European Studies together with the Institute for communication studies and journalism invite you to the book launch and discussion "SAYING NO TO WAR: 40 Stories of Russians Who Oppose the Russian Invasion of Ukraine".
We would like to cordially invite to a lecture given by Dr. Karin Hofmeisterová. We will discuss the influence of the orthodox churches today and their engagement in the memory politics. Lecture and the following discussion will take place on Thursday, December 8, at 6:30 p.m.