Ukraine in a Changing Europe
Ukraine in a Changing Europe
Leader: Valeriya Korablyova, Ph.D.
The research center takes recent developments in and around Ukraine as a point of departure to discuss broader implications and reverberations of what came to be known as “the Ukraine crisis” and eventually escalated into a full-blown war that challenged the foundations of the European and global order. The underlying assumption is that the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine stands as the ultimate disruption of the post-Cold war order, which resists containment as a local tension but instead calls for revisions of existing paradigms. This epistemological and political challenge already resulted in new scientific trends (decolonization of East European Studies) and new political projects (e.g. the European Political Community).
Selected projects
- Lokální knihovny v digitální éře jako nástroj k integraci dětí migrantů
- Ideas for Ukraine
Selected publications
- Korablyova, V. (2022). Ukrainian Phronesis: Bottom-Up Resistance and the Banality of Goodness. Topos, 2022(2), 48-55.
- Korablyova, V. (2022). War as the Ultimate Disruption: Shattered Epistemologies and Stuttering Speech (the editorial preface). Topos, 2022(2), 7-11.
- Laryš, M. & Aslan, E. (2022). Delegated Rebellions as an Unwanted Byproduct of Subnational Elites' Miscalculation: A Case Study of the Donbas. Problems of Post-Communism, 69(2), 155-165.
- Konrád, O. & Kučera, R. (2022) Paths out of the Apocalypse. Physical Violence in the Fall and Renewal of Central Europe, 1914-1922. Oxford University Press.
- Laryš, M. (2022). Double Marginalisation of the Communist Party: Ukraine’s Decommunisation and the Russian-Backed Rebellion in Donbas. Central European Journal of International and Security Studies, 2022(16), 42-74.
- Laryš, M. (2022). Pre-War Government and Party Networks in the Rebel Political Institutions: Individual Co-Optation in Eastern Ukraine. East European Politics and Societies.
- Laryš, M. (2022). Failing to Fight for the “Russian World”: Pre-War Social Origins of the Pro-Russian Secessionist Organizations in Ukraine. Nationalities Papers.
- Korablyova, V. (2021). Contemporary Ukraine: Borderland - Bloodland - Neverland?. In S.C. Pearce & E. Sojka (Eds), Cultural Change in East-Central European and Eurasian Spaces (pp. 17-32). Springer.
- Korablyova, V. (2021). Re-conceptualizing post-Soviet elections: between the theatre state and ocular democracy. Topos, 2021(1), 125-147.
- Korablyova, V. (2020). Europe as an Object of Desire: Ukraine Between "Psychological Europe" and the "Soviet Mentality". Topos, 2020(2), 79-99.
- Korablyova, V. (2019). Euromaidan and the 1989 Legacy: Solidarity in Action?. In P.H. Kosicki & K. Kunakhovich (Eds), The Long 1989: Decades of Global Revolution (pp. 231-251). CEU Press.
- Klípa, O. (2019). Tatarský a ruský Krym: bojiště kolektivních pamětí. Dějiny a současnost, 41(3), 21-24.
- Korablyova, V. (2018). The End of 'The End of History': Outlines of a New World amidst a 'Hybrid Warfare'. Ideology and Politics Journal, 11(3), 9-10.
Webinar Strategic Inter-Imperiality: Decolonial Shaping of the post-Soviet World
IMS Research Centre Ukraine in a Changing Europe cordially invites all interested in the decolonisation of post-Soviet Eastern Europe to attend a series of webinars on the topic prepared by the
International Workshop Dislocated Landscape. Disruptions and reconfigurations in the Humanities and Social Sciences since the Russian invasion of Ukraine
Second international workshop with CEFRES non-residential fellows Prague, October 22-23, 2024. "Dislocated Landscape. Disruptions and reconfigurations in the Humanities and Social Sciences since the Russian invasion of Ukraine" workshop is part of the program of non-residential fellowships for Ukrainian researchers in Humanities and Social Sciences. -
4EU+ workshop: Working with Wartime Testimonies: Practical Workshop in Digital Humanities
You are cordially invited to the Working with Wartime Testimonies: Practical Workshop in Digital Humanities, which will take place next Friday and Saturday, 24 and 25 May, with the support of the 4EU+ Alliance. The event is organised by the IMS Research Centres, War & Society Alliance and CEFRES. -
Round table "Wartime Ukraine and Ukrainians: Politics, Migration, and European integration"
Kyiv School of Economics and the “Ukraine in a Changing Europe” Research Centre at Institute of International Studies (Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University) in the framework of the REDEMOS project will hold a roundtable discussion "Wartime Ukraine and Ukrainians: Politics, Migration, and European integration" in Prague on December 6. -
Conference "600 Days Of The All-Out War: Fighting For Freedom, Fighting For Democracy"
We would like to cordially invite you to a conference "600 Days Of The All-Out War: Fighting For Freedom, Fighting For Democracy" that will take place on October 18 in the Hollar building in the room 212. -
CfA: "Re-Thinking Post-Socialist War(s): Comparative Dimensions of the War in Ukraine (2014-2024)"
The IMS Research Centre "Ukraine In A Changing Europe" and the joint project UNDIPUS at Justus Liebig University Giessen (funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research) co-organise the interdisciplinary conference "Re-Thinking Post-Socialist War(s): Comparative Dimensions of the War in Ukraine (2014-2024)".