Research Centre for Digital Humanities Integration (C4DHI)

Research Centre for Digital Humanities Integration (C4DHI)

Head: Jiří Kocián

Administrator: Klára Vedlichová

Center for Digital Humanities Integration (C4DHI) pursues the mission of ushering current realities of indispensability of the “digital” dimension of research and education in area studies and modern history at IMS. Through close collaboration with partner research institutions specialized in the technological aspects of DH applications, it seeds and nurtures transdisciplinary methodological integration in four key pillar activities:


- internal  DH  skill  and  capacity  building

- external DH expertise influx and networking

- direct DH application in research and publishing

- integration of DH into the study curriculum.




Selected projects

Selected publications

  • Kalhousová, I., Finkel, E., & Kocián, J. (2024). Historical analogies, traumatic past and responses to the war in Ukraine. International affairs (London).
  • Hofmeisterová, K., J. Mlynář and J. Kocián (2022). “How “Tools” Produce “Data”: Searching in a Large Digital Corpus of Audiovisual Holocaust Testimonies.“ In Jewish Studies in the Digital Age, edited by Gerben Zaagsma, Daniel Stökl Ben Ezra, Miriam Rürup, Michelle Margolis and Amalia S. Levi. Berlin, Boston: DeGruyter Oldenbourg.
  • Mlynář, J., Kocián, J. & Hofmeisterová, K., 2022. How “Tools” Produce “Data”: Searching in a Large Digital Corpus of Audiovisual Holocaust Testimonies. In De Gruyter eBooks. Germany: Walter de Gruyter, pp. 65-88.
  • Barná, I., Kohút, T., Bilewicz, M., Gyarfášová, O., Kocián, J., Mesežnikov, G., & Babińska, M. (2022). Survey on Antisemitic Prejudice in the Visegrád Countries Research Report. Budapest: Tom Lantos Institute. ISBN 978-615-6324-06-1. (Quantitative analysis Based on a wide scale survey of respondents across the V4 countries).
  • Panuš, J., Kocián, J., Hoffmannová, P., Nápravník, D., Šunka, M., Brožová, K., & Slavíček, J. (2022). Prameny Krkonoš: Search engine. Prague: Faculty of Mathematics and Physics. (Search engine for a database of primary and secondary historical sources).
  • Mlynář, J., Kocián, J., Malyukov, H., & Roginer Hofmeister, K. (forthcoming 2024). Comparative Analysis of Repeated Digitized Oral History Narratives. [Manuscript submitted for publication]. Journal of Narratology.
