Graduate Profile

Graduate Profile

Balkan, Eurasian and Central European Studies (BECES) allows students to develop a blend of specialist area knowledgeanalytical expertise and language skills tailored to their individual interests and requirements. It prepares its students with a thorough grounding in the historical, societal, political, economic and cultural aspects that play an essential role in East-Central Europethe Balkans and the Post Soviet Area. Therefore, our graduates are able to analyse individual topics arising within the region of their interest from a multidisciplinary point of view in terms of social sciences and modern history.

As a BECES graduate, you will:

  • master several foreign languages;
  • be able to understand current issues in their historical, societal, political, and economic context;
  • be able to deliver qualified comments on the developments of states and societies of the studied regions;
  • be capable of producing texts of a high professional and formal quality;
  • have a first workplace experience (having completed an internship);
  • be able to employ academic knowledge in practice.


Balkan, Eurasian and Central European Studies prepares its graduates for professions and research careers where knowledge of contemporary East-Central Europe, the Balkans and the Post-Soviet Area are of relevance.

BECES graduates become highly skilled employees in the civil service and diplomacy, NGOs and international institutions as well as in private companies and mass media. Many of them continue to pursue academic careers, thus becoming leading-experts in their fields.

As a BECES graduate, you can work in:

  • regional, national or European administration and governance;
  • non-governmental organisations and think tanks;
  • consultancy and public affairs;
  • international journalism;
  • academia and public policy research.