Research centres
Congratulations to successful applicants for Czech science foundation grant!
Czech Science Foundation is going to fund over 500 new projects starting this january - including project "Specialisation in EU small states’ foreign and security policy" of doc. Mgr. Tomáš Weiss, M.A., Ph.D. and PhDr. Barbora Menclová. Congratulations! -
Call for Papers: Becoming Smaller: Responses to Changes in Size and Influence in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries
Výzkumné centrum pro malé státy (SnS) vyzývá k předkládání abstraktů na dvoudenní workshop s názvem "Becoming Smaller: Responses to Changes in Size and Influence in the 20th and 21st Centuries", který se bude konat 25. a 26. května 2023 v Praze. Uzávěrka pro zasílání návrhů je 31. ledna 2023. -
Roundtable on "Small States and Great Powers"
On Friday, November 18, a roundtable on "Small States and Great Powers" was held as part of the NAWA Chair Days: Observing Complexity in Turbulent Times project. Among the guests at the roundtable was Adrian Brisku, head of our Research centre for Small nation(-states) within/without empires and unions. -
Article Hachsharot in Greece, 1945 – 1949: Camps or vocational centers?
Kateřina Králová, Head of the Memory Studies Research Centre and member of the Department of Russian and East European Studies, published an article Hachsharot in Greece, 1945 - 1949: Camps or vocational centres? in the peer-reviewed journal Quest. Issues in Contemporary Jewish History. -
Invitation to a seminar "Excelence ve vysokoškolské výuce: česká a evropská zkušenost"
We cordially invite you to the seminar "Excelence ve vysokoškolské výuce: česká a evropská zkušenost", which will take place on 14 October in the Meeting Hall of the Wallenstein Palace.
Adrian Brisku: Sto let česko(slovensko)-albánských vztahů
Adrian Brisku from the Department of Russian and East European Studies has published a new book "Sto let česko(slovensko)-albánských vztahů" and its Albanian version "Njëqind vjet marrëdhënie shqiptaro-çeko(sllovake)".