


Frommer Kerlová Martina - Erich Heller: Bohemian German-Jewish Intellectual in Anglo-American Exile


Marcks Jakob Matthias - Czechoslovak Architecture and Urban Design for the Third World: A geopolitical and economic perspective on the Cold War era export of architectural labour from Socialist Europe to postcolonial contexts in Africa, Latin America and the Middle East


Barbora Menclová - Between Global Ambitions and Economic Pragmatism: Czechoslovak Experts in Angola and Mozambique in the Cold War

Johana Kłusek - Top hat for everyone: The image of Britain in the newspaper discourses of Czechoslovak exile and its Third Republic afterlife

Střelec Jakub - Homo Sapiens nebo Homo Brutalis? Psychiatrické vědění, násilí a kriminalita v poválečném Československu, západním Německu a Velké Británii (1945–1970)

Kateřina Vnoučková - The Window of Opportunity. Cross-border environmental exchange on the South Moravian-Lower Austrian border in 1984-1995

Miroslava Jasenčáková - Change of the state's approach to education of children after 1917 in RSFSR

Jindřich Čeladín - The process of the establishment of national Lithuanian historiography in the 19th century


Jiří Pondělíček - From Planning the Unimaginable to Imagining the Impossible: Civil Defense in the United States 1945-1957


Barbora Skálová - Whose side are you on? Radical Left in postwar Finland - on the phenomenon of Marxism-Leninism outside the Eastern Bloc

Nikola Karasová - Parakratos in Post-Civil War Greece: Reality and Interpretation

Tomáš Malínek - The Social Democratic Party of Germany and Czechoslovakia (1973-1989)


Kateřina Šimová - Travels to Utopia. The Image of Soviet Russia within the Czechoslovak Cultural Left in the Interwar Period.

Mikuláš Zvánovec - National School Struggle in Bohemia: German and Czech National Defense Work in Schooling Against the Background of the Democratization Processes in Cisleithania (1880-1918)


Daniel Putík - Slovak Jews in Theresienstadt, Sachsenhausen, Ravensbrück and Bergen-Belsen, 1944/1945

Petra Baštová - The Third Pillar of Foreign Policy? West German Foreign Cultural Policy in the 1960s and 1970s

Tomáš Renner - The Causes of the Student Protest Movement // in the Federal Republic of Germany in the 1960s


Michaela Šmidrkalová - Science of Science in Poland and Czechoslovakia 1962-1989


David Emler - Using of the Past in France from 1990s till Present

Nina Maria Lohmann - Das „deutsche Prag“ 1939–1945. // Ein Beitrag zur Erforschung der besetzten Hauptstädte Europas

Václav Šmidrkal - “Gentle Weapons”: Socialist military’s institutions for performing arts in Czechoslovakia, GDR and Poland


Jan Bečka - The Lands of the Free: Thailand in the Foreign Policy of the United States, 1945–1975

Tomáš Nigrin - An Isolated Island : West Berlin under Willy Brandt (1961-1966). // The City behind the Berlin Wall


Martin Valenta - Revolution on a Schedule of the Day. The Critical Theory of the Frankfurt School and its´Receptions in the German Leftist Protest Movement of the Sixtieth, in the Terroristic Group Red Army Fraction and in the German Green Party: a Discursus Analysis