Senior Fellows and PhD Supervisors

Senior Fellows and PhD Supervisors

doc. Maria Alina Asavei, D.Phil.


Research Interest: Arts & politics, cultural and memory studies, critical political theory, (post) communism, religious revitalization movements, (post)Holocaust, Roma communities in the Balkans and Central Europe

Dr. Paul Bauer


Research Interest: Cultural and social geography of Europe Geography of memory and heritage Geography of science and knowledge

doc. Adrian Brisku, Ph.D.


Research Interest: Intellectual & Comparative History, Empire, European Identity & Transnational History of Contemporary Europe, Reform, Political (National) Economy, Ethno-political Conflicts, Modern Albanian, Georgian History, History of Modern Caucasus, Nineteenth-century Ottoman, Russian History, Czechoslovak history

prof. PhDr. Ota Konrád, Ph.D.


Research Interest: History of the humanities, history of the foreign policy and history of WWI in central Europe, the cultural history of violence in Austria, the Czech lands, and South Tyrol in WWI and its aftermath, collective violence as a tool for reshaping national identities at the end of WWII in Czechoslovakia and Europe

prof. PhDr. Kateřina Králová, Ph.D., M.A.


Research Interest: Modern history of Europe with a regional focus on Greece, Central, East and Southeast Europe, WWII and (post)Holocaust studies, post-conflict reconstruction, reconciliation and memory, refugees and historical migration   

doc. Dr. phil. Rudolf Kučera, Ph.D.


Research Interest: Modern history of Central Europe, WWI, comparative and transnational history

doc. PhDr. Tomáš Nigrin, Ph.D.


Research Interest: History of Germany after WWII, Berlin crisis, Willy Brandt, development of Germany after 1990, current politics of Germany and Austria, history of railways in Germany and Czechoslovakia

PhDr. Ondřej Matějka, Ph.D.


Research Interest: Transnational history of Central Europe in the 20th century; social history of religion in the Czech lands; contemporary history of France; psychoanalysis and social sciences

doc. PhDr. Vít Smetana, Ph.D.


Research Interest: History of international relations and diplomacy during WWII and during the Cold war, Czechoslovakia and great powers in 1939-1945, British foreign policy in the 20th century, British-Czechoslovakian relations

doc. PhDr. Luboš Švec, CSc.


Research Interest: Modern history of the Baltic countries, bilateral relations of Czech lands and Baltic countries, nation-building and state-building in East-Central Europe, cooperation and conflicts of central European exile during WWI, authoritarianism in East-Central Europe, perestroika

doc. PhDr. Jiří Vykoukal, CSc.


Research Interest: Historiography, concepts of Central Europe, nationality issues, Poland in the Central European context, Central Europe and Russia, Central European development vis a vis energy issue

PhDr. Ondřej Žíla, Ph.D.


Research Interest: Southeastern Europe, former Yugoslavia, Ethno-demographic transformations, forced migrations, conflicts, post-war reconstruction and post-socialist transformation of former Yugoslavia (especially Bosnia and Herzegovina)