TeDEUSS – Teaching and Debating EU Small states’ Security
TeDEUSS – Teaching and Debating EU Small states’ Security
Jean Monnet Chair in EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies held by prof. Tomáš Weiss.
The aim of TeDEUSS is to expand and deepen the teaching of European Union studies at Charles University. It addresses the role of small states in the European Union’s foreign, security and defence policy, focusing on the specific character, needs and means of the small states. The Czech Republic belongs to the majority of EU members that are small states and the future EU experts who are educated at Charles University need to understand the particularities of small state behaviour and politics.
TeDEUSS activities include courses for students, activities targeted at groups outside the university, series of public debates, and specific research on small states in European security.
The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
You can follow TeDEUSS activites on this website and on the twitter account @JMsmall_states
Events (past and future)
11 October 2022
EU± // Italské volby – tragédie nebo příslib do budoucna?
video: https://www.facebook.com/EUROPEUMPrague/videos/846227003216158/
14 June 2022
EU± // Klima v Evropském parlamentu – výhled pro české předsednictví
video: https://www.facebook.com/EUROPEUMPrague/videos/3221240834777504/
25 May 2022
EU± // Evropská digitální agenda
video: https://www.facebook.com/EUROPEUMPrague/videos/420773389571846/
4 May 2022
EU± // Postoj Německa k ruské válce na Ukrajině
video: https://www.facebook.com/EUROPEUMPrague/videos/662910144771686/
23 March 2022
EU± Evropská unie a multipolární svět po válce na Ukrajině
video: https://www.facebook.com/EUROPEUMPrague/videos/361476689221450/
20 December 2021
EU± // Year 2021 in the European Union (online; in Czech) (link: https://www.facebook.com/events/584638199298164)
Video: https://www.facebook.com/KatedraEvropskychStudii/videos/912623282690673/
25 November 2021
EU± // New government’s European policy (online; in Czech) (link: https://www.facebook.com/events/225054136408153)
Video: https://www.facebook.com/KatedraEvropskychStudii/videos/893935064655576/
4 November 2021
EU± // 20 years of the allied mission in Afghanistan – what lessons learnt for NATO and the EU? (online; in Czech) (link: https://www.facebook.com/events/4615841595150423)
Video: https://www.facebook.com/KatedraEvropskychStudii/videos/605792720731582/
18 October 2021
EU± // Is the V4 the most important Czech ally in the EU? (online; in Czech) (link: https://www.facebook.com/events/2626160457678943)
Video: https://www.facebook.com/KatedraEvropskychStudii/videos/310279767123953/
14 June 2021
EU± // European foreign policy in the context of events in Belarus (online, in Czech) (link: https://www.facebook.com/events/495017214885906/)
Video: https://www.facebook.com/EUROPEUMPrague/videos/607755323516697
19 May 2021
Small states and the Presidency in the EU Council: time to shine and fade?
In cooperation with the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, Tomáš Weiss organised a seminar for Czech civil servants engaged in the preparation of the 2022 Czech EU Council presidency. The seminar discussed the role of small states in the EU institutional structure, the specificity of the rotating presidency and to what extent taking over the chair means an opportunity or a problem for a small state.
12 May 2021
EU± // National recovery plan (online, in Czech) (link: https://www.facebook.com/events/1070398080115560/)
Video: https://www.facebook.com/EUROPEUMPrague/videos/287078863134633
26 April 2021
Small States and the rise of the European Council (online) (official poster: https://track.uni-koeln.de/sites/track/user_upload/Double_Lecture.pdf)
17 March 2021
EU± // Conference on the Future of Europe (online, in Czech) (link: https://www.facebook.com/events/339292820858735/)
Video: https://www.facebook.com/EUROPEUMPrague/videos/910433642859259
3 February 2021
EU± // The consequences of Brexit (online, in Czech) (link: https://www.facebook.com/events/472186864168795?active_tab=about)
Video: https://www.facebook.com/EUROPEUMPrague/videos/3690528427710913
15 December 2020
EU± // Portuguese and Czech Presidency of the EU Council (online) (link: https://www.facebook.com/events/4755924614449730)
Video: https://www.facebook.com/153384318085064/videos/210665863923128
3 December 2020
EU± // Impact of the US elections on EU-US relations (online, in Czech) (link: https://www.facebook.com/events/404805007233790/)
Video: https://www.facebook.com/153384318085064/videos/302348604354728/
24 November 2020
Promoting small states’ interest in the European Union
In cooperation with the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, Tomáš Weiss organised a seminar on the promotion of small states’ interests in the EU for future Czech diplomats. The workshop focused on the position of small states in the EU’s decision-making structures and methods, through which small European states overcome the structural disadvantage of their size.
23 November 2020
EU± // European budget (online, in Czech) (link: https://www.facebook.com/events/752420055349426/)
Video: https://www.facebook.com/153384318085064/videos/134672814771725/
14 October 2020
EU± // New pact on migration and asylum (online, in Czech) (link: https://www.facebook.com/events/2786227464922521/)
Video: https://www.facebook.com/153384318085064/videos/280014096393415/
23 September 2020
EU± // How should the EU react to the situation in Belarus? (online, in Czech) (link: https://www.facebook.com/events/613752316178356/)
Video: https://www.facebook.com/153384318085064/videos/2714359728825337/
26 May 2020
Does the size matter? Foreign policy lessons from European responses to Covid-19
Online roundtable organized in cooperation with Jean Monnet Network NORTIA
video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nz8wL0f87pE&feature=youtu.be
30 April 2020
EU± // Europeanisation in the times of corona pandemics (online)
video: https://www.facebook.com/EUROPEUMPrague/videos/159364775510347/
2 April 2020
EU± // What will happen with the EU after coronavirus pandemics? (online)
video: https://www.facebook.com/EUROPEUMPrague/videos/503439696991011/
25 February 2020
EU± // New coalition in Austria
23 January 2020
EU± // European budget
11 December 2019
EU± // Impact of the British general elections on brexit
29 November 2019
De-Europeanisation of foreign policy in Central Europe
Venue: Prague Creative Centre, Staroměstské nám. 4/1, Hall 4 – Minuta (2nd floor)
21 November 2019
EU± series: Amazon on fire, global climate and the reaction by the EU
6 November
EU± series: Central Europe and the debate on the rule of law
9 October 2019
EU± series: Co očekávat od nové Evropské komise? / What to expect from the new European Commission?
Area Studies Research Seminar
TeDEUSS supports the Area Studies Research Seminar at IMS FSV UK. It is a platform for an internal debate on the on-going and planned research at the Institute of International Studies. It is open for IMS researchers and PhD students who can also register in the seminar as in a specific course. The details on the seminar's current programme are available on a dedicated website.
The TeDEUSS holder, Tomáš Weiss, publishes the results of his research on small European states‘ foreign and security policy in prominent international journals and publishing houses.
- Weiss, Tomáš – Edwards, Geoffrey (eds) Small States and Security in Europe. Between National and International Policymaking. Routledge, forthcoming 2022.
- Weiss, Tomáš. De-Europeanisation of Czech policy towards Eastern Partnership countries under populist leaders. Journal of European Integration 43(5): 587–602, 2021, doi: 10.1080/07036337.2021.1927008.
- Kadlecová, Lucie – Weiss, Tomáš. Czech backlash against the GDPR: A small state’s mismatch between domestic and international priorities. New Perspectives 29(1): 7-22, 2021, doi: 10.1177/2336825X20954754.
- Weiss, Tomáš. A small state’s anticipation of institutional change: effects of the looming Brexit in the areas of the CSDP and internal market. European Security 29(1): 1-15, 2020, doi: 10.1080/09662839.2019.1694510.
- Weiss, Tomáš. Between NATO and a hard place: defence spending debate in Germany and Czechia. European Security 28(2): 193-211, 2019, doi: 10.1080/09662839.2019.1617276.
The project is co-funded from the Erasmus+ Programme.
Project is held from September 2019 – August 2022.