Dr. Paul Bauer

Dr. Paul Bauer


  • Katedra evropských studií

E-mail: paul.bauer@fsv.cuni.cz

Telefon: +420 267 224 254

Místnost: č. C327, Jinonice, budova C

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8778-6186

Rok vydání


Kapitoly v monografiích


Příspěvky v konferenčních sbornících


From 2018 S4D4C - Using science for/in diplomacy for addressing global challenges (European Commission, Horizon 2020)

From 2017 NIECE - New Ideas for Europeanisation from Central Europe, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (European Commission, Jean Monnet)

2014-2017 The Role of Collective Memory in Post-Cold War Transatlantic Relations (GACR).

2012-2014 Social space: a transdisciplinary issue of knowledge in the area studies(International postdoc program, Charles University).

2012-2014 Territory and social memory in Bohemian borderlands after 1990: The post socialist management of tangible and intangible traces of the German past (GACR).

2009-2010 Scientific discourses and national minorities in Central Europe(French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, French Centre for Social Research in Prague).

2008-2012 Local Action and territorial development in Central Europe (French Research Agency, EHESS & The University of Montpellier III).

Kulturní a sociální geografie Evropy
Geografie paměti a dědictví
Geografie vědy a znalostí