Oszkár Roginer short biography
Oszkár Roginer short biography
Oszkár Roginer was born in 1986, in Novi Sad, Yugoslavia. He studied Hungarian Studies at the University of Novi Sad (Serbia), and obtained his diploma in 2009, after which he moved to the University of Pécs (Hungary) in order to pursue his PhD in Literary Sciences, where he defended his thesis in 2016. From 2014 he attended an International Joint Degree MA in Cultural Sociology at the University of Zadar (Croatia) and continued it at the Karl Franzens University in Graz (Austria). After earning his MA in 2016, he enrolled to the PhD programme of the Centre for Southeast European Studies in Graz, where he is currently working on his thesis. Between 2009 and 2014 he worked as a radio journalist and theatre critic in the RTV Vojvodina, and in the daily newspaper Magyar Szó in Novi Sad. His most important publications include the monographs A város mint (ellen)érv. [The City as a (counter)argument]. (2015.), and A jugoszláviai magyar irodalom terei – A (poszt)jugoszláv magyar irodalom és a téralapú közösségi identitás-konstrukciók viszonya a sajtóban (1945–2010). [Terrains of Hungarian Literature from Yugoslavia – Correlations between (post)Yugoslav Hungarian Literature and the constructions of spatial collective identities in the press (1945–2010)]. (2019.). His academic interests lay in Hungarian minority literature, Hungarian press history of Yugoslavia, geocriticism, historical literary sociology, collective identities, memory studies…